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Ed Miliband 'cutting it fine' in Flymo PR stunt

Grass Clippings - Ed Miliband FlymoIt was a PR stunt billed as Ed Miliband’s ‘grass-roots strategy in action’ during the local election campaign.

But photographs of him helping a constituent mow her lawn backfired yesterday when she said he didn’t know how to start the machine.

To add to the embarrassment, the angry woman said she was not a Labour voter but if it had been his brother, David, it would have been ‘absolutely fine’.

Photographs emerged on Twitter and Facebook of the former Labour party leader pushing a Flymo lawnmower as he joined councils canvassing last week.

One campaigner posted the pictures on Facebook and claimed that Mr Miliband’s green fingers had won the vote of the surprised householder.

Read more on The Daily Mail


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