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Lawn Consultancy Service

Grass Clippings  - Grass PuzzleThe great thing about being into lawns is that you are always in demand and undertaking Lawn Consultancy contracts forms a big part of our business concept.  We are also rarely out of work when the weather lets us perform our usual work activities.

Having said this, to acquire a degree in turf culture takes years of study and examinations and also years of 'on the job training' too which supplements the theory, the final degree examinations being some 21 hours long. And you thought it was just 'grass'...

There are a lot of so called lawn experts and specialists alike who appear to give incorrect information about basic and more in-depth lawn treatments, cultural and mechanical practices associated with lawns and their care.  Why, we are not sure.

The Grass Clippings Lawn Advice Blog has over 1090 technical articles to help you creat a better lawn.  Over 35 years of hands on practical, technical and commercial knowledge of lawns and their care available free at your fingertips.  Use the information freely as you will not find better on the internet. 

Should you require a lawn specialist to spend a bit more dedicated time with you and your green sward, why not consider booking up for a Lawn Consultancy.  We will even go as far as offering ourselves for some one to one lawn care training on a daily rate plus travel expenses.  It would be money worth spent and supported by our technical articles on here.

So if you have a lawn or weed problem, a lawn or a sports turf or commercial site, why not email The Lawn Company Team and see if they can sort you out whether you are UK based or further afield? 

You will soon have the necessary missing bit of the puzzle....


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