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Happy Birthday 'Tottering'

Grass Clippings - Tottering by GentlyTwenty five years ago Annie Tempest put brush to paper and created the Tottering by Gently cartoon strip that features every week on the back page of Country Life and has now become a global brand. This charming and humorous cartoon and its much loved characters Dicky, Daffy, Slobber, Scribble and Mrs Shagpile touches the reader as it gently laughs with you at the stuff of life.

The Grass Clippings Lawn Advice Blog header banner is by Annie Tempest and she kindly permits us to use it with her best wishes being a bit of a lawn fanatic.

We urge you to buy this week's edition of Country Life. Not only is there the fabulous front cover, but also an interview with Annie describing how Tottering by Gently came about, how her family home, Broughton Hall, was the inspiration for Tottering Hall, her plans for the future and her love of sculpture.

In celebration, Country Life is running a fantastic Tottering Competition.  As part of the celebrations, Country Life readers have the chance to win a two-night house party for 12 guests at Annie's glorious family home, Broughton Hall in North Yorkshire, the inspiration for Tottering Hall.

Enter online by 28 March 2018 at, where you will find terms and conditions.  Ten of Annie's best loved works have been selected and all you have to do is guess which one has proved to be the best selling of all time.  In conjunction with this great competition, we are offering a SPECIAL 10% DISCOUNT off all of the ten prints, to run for the duration of this competition.  You can order by phone, email or online.



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