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April Lawn Care Tips

April Lawn AdviceTime to get your lawn in tip top condition for those warmer summer months!

After a lovely sunny and warm end to March, April has commenced with an icy blast and temperatures and wind chill in the minus figures.

By now, you should have mown your lawn and applied some Soluble Iron to retard any winter moss.

After two weeks have passed, scarify the moss out (after mowing first) and clear the debris from the lawns surface with a rake, blower and mow the lawn again to remove the straggly bits.

Aerate the lawn to let the stale air and CO2 out and the lovely fresh O2 in.

You will now be able to apply the first lawn weed and feed of the year to give the turf grasses a big boost after the vagaries of Winter but not before scarifying.

Trim your lawn edges if they need doing.


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