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Lawn Fertiliser hits new ££ High

SmartLawn FertiliserWe are all aware of the rising energy and fuel prices and this has led to a huge increase in the cost of Lawn Fertiliser.

Predominantly, it is the Nitrogen element of the lawn fertiliser that has increased the most, with further increases expected.

Don’t take our word for it!  Farming UK advises online that Nitrogen fertiliser has rapidly increased in price, from just over £200 per tonne in spring to around £700 per tonne by the end of autumn.

With reduced European fertiliser production and increased global demand, there are predictions of a lasting shortfall across Europe.

Phosphate and potash prices have also increased by over 70 percent over the same period.

For the fertiliser price to fall, there needs to be changes in energy costs, trade policies of fertiliser producing countries, and global crop demand.

Shop for Lawn Fertiliser.


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What lawn feeds are people using for a family lawn? Looking for a granular feed option for a 500sqm, sandy loam.
Pitchcare appears to offer more cost effect options for larger bags than say Lawnsmiths/Lawnshop but it is hard to know which to select or if there are components other than the NPK along which are missing?

Reply: 1 x 20 Kg bag of granular fertiliser will treat up to 666 sqm of lawn per single treatment. Repeat every 2-3 months. The Nutrient is important for sure but so is the percentage of slow release Nitrogen in the mixture, like 40% or 50% and the type of Nitrogen also, NMAXX/Sulphur Coated.

The 'Smart' Fertiliser from The Lawn Shop is a good choice for sure.

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